

Today we worked a total of three hours. Today was bittersweet. I’m excited that I will be graduating, but it’s a little sad knowing that I’ll probably never see these kids again. In the morning we brought them a box of colorful construction paper (donated by Lisa Scarry), Proctor bracelets, and Proctor stickers. They had also made something for us since it was our last day.. For the Star of the Week, each kid tells the teacher what they like about that person. So when we opened up our thank you cards, it was like we were the Star of the Week.  I had such an amazing time working with the kids and teachers at East Andover Village Preschool over these last three weeks.  Thank you to everyone who made it possible.


Today we worked a total of three hours. This day started off as usual. As we wait for all the kids to you dropped off by the parents, the kids pretty much have free time. I spend this time coloring superheros with a few of the kids.  After the morning every time is over, we have snacktime.  After snacktime there’s more activities. A lot of the kids work on their own superhero capes. They get to make them themselves, and they’ll get to wear them for their end-of-the-year party. 
Hannah French Senior Project Reflection Number Three Knowing that this was my last week at the East Andover Village Preschool was sort of heartbreaking for me. I’ve only been there this short amount of time, and now I will be leaving as soon as I got to remember everyone's name. I’ve learned huge amount about responsibility. I love all of the kids, but it’s definitely a challenge. It’s loud, and at times very hectic. Each kid responds differently to different things which can sometimes lead to a bit of craziness. When I thought about helping at the preschool, I didn’t expect it would of been like these three weeks. I enjoyed it more than I ever planned. Each day everyone is so excited to see us. They shout our names with enthusiasm and greet us with hugs as soon as we walk through the door. It’s honestly crazy how much they really look up to Angie and I. Over these last couple weeks I’ve been put in different positions where I didn’t quite know what to do. For example...


Today we worked for a total of three hours. In the morning I work with a kid named Greyson in the sand box. There were different tubes we could put together, and send the sand through.  Your washer hands, and gathered for snacktime.  After snack we have morning meeting where we read a book about rhyming. It was perfect because most of the kids are learning how to rhyme.    After morning meaning we had more group activities. A group of students played in the sensory table with blocks.  Another group search for their names in a word search. In the group that I was with, got to write different words and shaving cream. After these activities the group went outside, and me and it was time for Angie and I to leave. 


Today we worked for a total of three hours. For the morning activity some kids and I counted keys and put them on different hooks, matching them to the number written on the card.  After morning activities we had snacktime. Then there were more group activities.  After this round of activities, we had morning meeting.   Trying morning reading my read three different books and the girl who is the star of the week got to tell about her show and tell. She showed off her new toy that she got for Easter.   We went outside and made obstacle courses, before me and  Angie said our goodbyes. 


Today we work from 8:35 to 11:30am. I started the day coloring and coloring books with a couple of the girls. Then it was snack. During snack we worked on how to rhyme. After snack we had more activities such as painting, Hugle pod’s, and phones in the loft. I did a lot of painting with a girl named Aria. I also read a couple of books to a few boys. After the second round of activities, it was time for morning meeting. Usually on Wednesdays there’s a “star of the week” that is allowed to bring in something to share with everybody and we talk about the reasons why we like that person.But the star of the week was home, so instead we had regular morning meeting, reading books and singing songs with hands motions. after morning meeting a couple kids and I worked on big floor puzzles. 


On Tuesday we work from 8:30 to 11:30. In the morning we had morning activities. Most of the kids wanted to play dress up. They went into the “loft” and put on a “concert”. They sing songs like I have the tiger and My Little Pony theme songs. They know almost all of the words.  After morning activities we had snack time.  The baby chicks were here again today, so we got to hold them again.   Then we made our way to the library, as we do every Tuesday. This Tuesday there was a guest reader to read his three books. After library time we walked back to school, and it was time for Angie and I to head back to Proctor.