Reflection #2
During this week, I have thought a lot about what I want to do for a career when I get older. I knew that I really enjoyed being with kids, but after helping out at the preschool for these last two weeks I know that working with children is something that I would really like to do in some type of way when I get older. Each day I come home with a new story that I’m so excited to tell about something that happened at school today. I look forward to going to the preschool every morning to see the kids.
Almost every day at the preschool, the kids are asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” I love how confident they are with their response. Some say ninja turtles, some say ballerinas, engineers, and others say their favorite characters in books they’ve recently read. On Friday, we all went around in a circle during morning meeting, telling each other what we’re going to be when we get older. Although, when it’s my turn to answer the question I’m still in search for words. I am around 15 years older than them and I still don’t have the answer to that question, but helping out here is definitely making that decision a lot more clear.
Helping out at the preschool, has made me learn a lot about myself that I never really focused a lot on. For example, I’m not to squeamish when someone ends up throwing up because they spun too much in the chairs that hang from the ceiling. Or when someone falls and gets hurt seeing blood doesn’t really bother me. I think these type of qualities are good for someone in the medical field and considering how much I would like to be working with kids, pediatric nursing sounds like a career that I could have a lot of interest in.
When Maddie came in on Friday, an EMT,
I thought even more about this career path. I loved to see how excited the kids got, wrapping each other in ace bandages and taking blood each other’s blood pressure, and listen to heartbeats with the stethoscope. I honestly was just as excited on the inside as they were.
Without this week I probably wouldn’t have even considered this job. So I’m really thankful for this opportunity.
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