Our first day at EAVPS

Today was our first day working at the East Andover Village preschool. We worked from 8:15 until around 11:20am. This day got me really excited for what is to come. The day started when we walked up the stairs and on to the porch. Andres (top left corner) had spotted us through the window and exclaimed "Hannah and G are here!" He ran to the door and greeted us with Miss Amy. That really set the tone for the rest of the day. When we first came into the room with all of the children, some kids were noticeably more shy then others. but one boy asked me to work on a pirate puzzle with him so I sat down and helped him. Soon enough Andres came up to me asking to play Tic Tac Toe (which is what we are doing in the picture above.) Eventually I made my way over the couch where there are many books to choose from. about four boys snuggled in beside me as I read them a book about there favorite super heroes. After story time we had snack time. At this point Angie and I were learning where they keep everything, their snacks their silverware and drinks. I loved to sit around the snack table with the kids while they talked. Each conversation was so interesting to listen to. They kids are at the age where they have no filter and they have so pretty creative topics. They showed of their new lunch boxes and ate their snacks and shortly snack time was over. We had more activities and then it was Morning Meeting. During this time we sat in a circle introduced ourselves and told everyone our favorite food. Surprisingly, everybody favorite food was popsicles. We did yoga during this time, sung songs, and then had outdoor time.
Looks like it will be such a fun project!